Gazebo - Concerts and Events
Free Concerts
During the summer operating season (Victoria Day weekend to Labour Day), the Gazebo is alive with music! Every other Sunday from 2:00 to 4:00 PM, local musicians provide free concerts for all visitors to enjoy. Bring your lawn chair, shade umbrella, and come join us for the perfect Sunday summer afternoon!
Located between the fountain and the train station, the Gazebo is surrounded by picnic tables and a grassy park area. It's a great place for a picnic in the summer and washrooms are located nearby.
PLEASE NOTE there is no parking is permitted at the Gazebo at any time.
The pathway to the Gazebo is frequented by children and families, strollers, walkers, and pedestrian traffic from 8:30 AM to dusk every day and is not for use by unauthorized vehicles.
Date | Band | Music Style | |
Gazebo events
The Gazebo hosts other events too, including our annual Fun Run or Walk that raises money to expand exhibits and make the park more accessible.
Storytime in the Park is hosted annually by the Peterborough Public Library.
You can find more events happening this season at the Gazebo by visiting our event calendar.
Special RPZ Events
As Riverview Park and Zoo operations transition to the City of Peterborough this year, all special event bookings will need to comply with the City of Peterborough Events Policies and Application rules.
Please connect with us by phone or email for more details and we would be happy to forward you a copy of the Special Event Application.